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South Carolina Simple Wills Attorney

Simple Wills: Just the Basics

The will is often considered the cornerstone of an estate plan. Even if you have no other documents, a valid will can go a long way in communicating your final wishes. And like most estate planning documents, wills can have varying degrees of complexity and detail.In many cases, a simple will is adequate to cover the average person’s needs. The elements of a simple will include:

  • Written guidance for the distribution of your real and personal property

  • Naming someone to act as the Personal Representative of your estate

  • Naming someone to act as guardian for your minor children (when needed)

  • Naming someone to manage the financial affairs of your minor children (when needed)

Although simple wills can be created without the help of a lawyer, it is always a good idea to consult with one. Correcting any mistakes or omissions in your will could prove to be more expensive than the costs of preventing them by hiring a knowledgeable attorney.

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Are Simple Wills For You?

Do you need a more complex will, or might a simple will suffice? As a general rule, a simple will would be appropriate if you are in good health, under age 50, and have an estate small enough that it likely would not be subject to estate taxes.

If you have a larger estate or if your money will need to be managed after your death, you may need a more complex will. That being said, the best way to know what kind of will you need is to contact The Dennison Law Firm, P.C. Attorney Dennison is pleased to offer consultations to all prospective clients.

Reach Out Today To Get Started

The Dennison Law Firm, P.C. is located in Greenville, and serves clients throughout the Upstate of South Carolina. To learn more about what an estate planning attorney can do for you, call or fill out an online contact form.